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Game Table (with seats)

Prices below

Brand: Natural Playgrounds Company
Toxicity: child friendly wood preservative
Age Appropriateness: all ages

Game Tables are great places for children to be quiet outside, and to have fun drawing with each other, playing Mancala, playing chess, reading, or even having a picnic!

We just installed several at a public park, and the facilities manager’s first, was: “Now these will bring people into the park! They’ll want to play chess or some other board game! They sure do look inviting!”

So whether you are a municipal park, a childcare playground, or a school playground, these game tables are definitely a must. Put them in quiet places, and you’ll find kids doing their homework, sitting and chatting, drawing together....all kinds of things!

They’re so inexpensive, that you can afford to get several to place in strategic spots around your Natural Playground.

Our Game Table comes with two small benches, perfect in height for children.

Note that one of the photos shows how easy these are to install!