Magnetic Loose Parts Packages: What would a magnet chalkboard or whiteboard be without the magnetic learning elements that stick to it?
We have two size packages.
The Small Magnetic Loose Parts Package contains 3 18" channels, 3 12" channels, 4 deflectors, 4 funnels, and 4 funnel holders (all with strong magnets that attach to the board).
The Large Magnetic Loose Parts Package contains 4 24” channels, 4 18” channels, 3 12” channels, 3 deflectors, 5 funnels, and 5 funnel holders (all with strong magnets that attach to the board).
These should be purchased to accompany the Magnetic Whiteboard and Chalkboard walls to give your kids the added benefit of loose parts play.
With these loose parts, the kids can stick the magnetic channels, or funnels, or etc. anywhere on the walls to make pathways for water, sand, balls, or other materials poured into them.
When they experiment in this way, they’ll discover that the water flows easily with the channels placed at a very shallow angle, but that the sand won’t flow at all unless they make the angles a lot steeper!
So gravity works in both situations, but sand is composed of large particles which cause friction, so it doesn’t “flow” as easily as water!
All kinds of scientific things to explore: flow, friction of different materials (try wet sand, dirt, balls, etc), different angles of repose for different materials, etc.
We suggest getting the Small package for the Magnetic art easels, and getting the Large package for the large whiteboard and chalkboard walls.