If you need to remodel old playgrounds, build new ones, develop master plans for play areas around schools or communities, develop outdoor classrooms, create learning trails, or build gardens, shade structures, gateways, or play sculptures... or .... if you own a house and want to build a natural playground for your children,
...and you want to do something creative, different, cost-effective, long-lasting, educational, and beautiful...
Please don't pull out a catalog!
Contact us instead!
...and let our playground designers and playscape specialists help you assess your situation and work with you to develop a plan that gets you where you want to go - in a natural way, toward a Natural Playground.
How to get started:
Because natural play concepts can be integrated into almost any outdoor situation, there are many scenarios that might prompt you to investigate them further:
You are thinking about repairing, refurbishing, expanding, or replacing your old or unsafe playground, especially ones that used CCA (arsenic-treated) lumber. Or you just want to add more natural elements to what you have.
You want to create a more intriguing, natural-looking, green learning environment around your childcare center or school, or in your community that will also serve as an outdoor classroom.
You have or are contemplating building a new school, museum, nature center, or childcare center and want to make sure the outdoor environment is as exciting and inspiring as the rest of your concept.
You are a school district and need to upgrade your entire playground package but want to do it in a way that will inspire the students to learn about and take care of their natural environment.
You would like to have an artist/architect/designer in-residence to work with your students and/or community members on a hands-on project that will enhance their learning experience while creating beauty.